March 29, 2010


Biogas is considered as a clean energy resources, because it is not derived from fossil fuel combustion and the remaining gas does not pollute the environment (which contains very little CO). But was biogas really clean energy resources?

March 17, 2010


Everyone would be able to use alternative energy sources, especially if the energy we can use for free. Each is free there is always a problem with it, that makes people so lazy to make and use alternative energy sources, namely the initial capital is large enough.

March 11, 2010

Bio gas, Alternative Energy Sources

For the last few years, energy is a crucial issue in the world. Increased energy demand caused by population growth and resource depletion of world oil reserves and the issue of emissions from fossil fuels put pressure on every country to be producing and using renewable energy.

Bio gas is a process production from organic materials with the help of bacteria. The process of degradation

March 9, 2010

Murdered By UK Fuel Prices

By: John Newbury

Fuel is the single greatest influence on the cost of transport in the UK today.

With global events playing a significant part on supply, and the consequent cost, the UK haulage industry is constantly monitoring the marketplace to ensure any surcharges in place are in keeping with its cost-base.

The rise can be explained in terms of the following three factors:

March 8, 2010

Alternative energy is a general term that refers to an energy source that can be used to replace the fuel source without the unwanted consequences of the fuel replaced